Whether you are a skilled athlete, a high school or college athlete, a coach, or a parent of an athlete, you are searching for the possibilities that exist with peak performance. You wish to feel the jubilation of victory. You wish to experience confidence and consistency in action. You aspire to assist positive personal growth. So how do you improve performance and understand some of those wonderful possibilities?
When individuals figure out the opportunities of accomplishing peak performance, several people generally tend to look at particular situations where physical performance and intelligence command swift action and instantaneous reaction. This idea of training and preparation is incredibly wrong. As a matter of fact, hyping yourself up for an event and spending years of training with the help of drills may actually hinder your opportunity to attain the ultimate performance you yearn for.
When taking into account real opportunities that exist with accomplishing peak performance, it's important to go back to your childhood before elements such as willpower or specific drills were forced upon you. Children can attain incredible athletic feats and have a natural ability to perform at a large variety of different sports. The problem comes when parents or coaches begin to acknowledge the talent that might exist and seek to improve it through an extensive array of several different performance training and motivational tools which they believe are encouraging a child's growth.
Unfortunately, majority of the elements that are utilized in motivation or performance training can usually impede an individual's ability by overwhelming the athlete's mind to make sure that he can no longer obtain the high level performance which may have once existed as a kid. Athletes believe in willpower-that they can force their ability in order to obtain the levels of performance they desire. This'll never work in the long run. The actuality is there is a more effective method for accomplishing greater performance, and it's called stillpower.
This theory of 'stillpower' is usually contradictory to what many individuals have been taught; it is the opposite of willpower. Children naturally practice 'stillpower'. When you are young, you don't have the pressures related to willpower and performance tips constantly running through your mind. Rather, you rely on your natural ability to perform exceedingly well. You operate from a calm, unencumbered mind-set, which is the heart of 'stillpower'. Garret Kramer is the founder and managing partner of Inner Sports, LLC. His revolutionary approach to performance has transformed the way players, coaches, professional teams, and even parent.
When individuals figure out the opportunities of accomplishing peak performance, several people generally tend to look at particular situations where physical performance and intelligence command swift action and instantaneous reaction. This idea of training and preparation is incredibly wrong. As a matter of fact, hyping yourself up for an event and spending years of training with the help of drills may actually hinder your opportunity to attain the ultimate performance you yearn for.
When taking into account real opportunities that exist with accomplishing peak performance, it's important to go back to your childhood before elements such as willpower or specific drills were forced upon you. Children can attain incredible athletic feats and have a natural ability to perform at a large variety of different sports. The problem comes when parents or coaches begin to acknowledge the talent that might exist and seek to improve it through an extensive array of several different performance training and motivational tools which they believe are encouraging a child's growth.
Unfortunately, majority of the elements that are utilized in motivation or performance training can usually impede an individual's ability by overwhelming the athlete's mind to make sure that he can no longer obtain the high level performance which may have once existed as a kid. Athletes believe in willpower-that they can force their ability in order to obtain the levels of performance they desire. This'll never work in the long run. The actuality is there is a more effective method for accomplishing greater performance, and it's called stillpower.
This theory of 'stillpower' is usually contradictory to what many individuals have been taught; it is the opposite of willpower. Children naturally practice 'stillpower'. When you are young, you don't have the pressures related to willpower and performance tips constantly running through your mind. Rather, you rely on your natural ability to perform exceedingly well. You operate from a calm, unencumbered mind-set, which is the heart of 'stillpower'. Garret Kramer is the founder and managing partner of Inner Sports, LLC. His revolutionary approach to performance has transformed the way players, coaches, professional teams, and even parent.
About the Author:
view the athletic and life journey. To know more about Garret and performance training visit http://garretkramer.com/ NOW.
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