Monday, 21 May 2012

Baseball Safety Guidelines To Keep In Mind

By Jocelyn Kinder

While baseball is not usually considered as dangerous as contact sports such as football, many players of all ages do get injured while playing this game, so it's important to follow some sensible policies for safety. Injuries can happen in a number of ways including being hit by a ball or a bat as well as player collisions. Here you'll be given some helpful information and safety guidelines for staying safe in baseball.

The very first thing every player needs is a full physical so that coaches are fully aware of any and all pre-existing conditions or injuries a player might have. In some cases, for example, it might not be a good idea for someone to play if an injury hasn't completely healed. Similarly, if an injury does occur during a game, it should be immediately checked out. It's ultimately the coaches decision whether to seek medical help when they suspect a player is injured but not being honest about it.

Being hit by fast moving balls is often the most dangerous feature of playing baseball which is why a helmet is necessary no matter what age or skill level a player might be. Stepping up to bat puts you at risk of being hit by the pitch which is true in games as well as practices. Face-guard helmets provide the best protection especially for kids. Because of the potential for fatal or severe injuries the head is the most important part of the body to protect.

Keep yourself well hydrated especially in hot weather. Especially in hot weather places it's easy for even a healthy player to suffer heat exhaustion or sunstroke. In some cases, it's sensible to call off games in extreme heat. Parents of young players need to use their best judgment when letting their child play in hot temperatures. Hydration too is critical in the heat and in any weather.

If you use some common sense and follow these basic guidelines baseball can be fun. Many accidents and injuries in baseball are a matter of carelessness so use proper safety measures to help prevent as many as possible from happening. No matter whether you are a parent, coach or player it's important that you be aware of what's happening and follow proper rules. You'll have more fun and enjoy the game more by following these rules.

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