Monday 17 September 2012

Fun OutDoor Games Can Get The Kids Outside to Play- With Smiles All Around!

By Markey Costas

Any kid recalls, happily or not, their parent begging them to "Go outside and play!" That call still resounds in the 21st century but we have more choices now to entice going outside. If you have the right 'fun outdoor games' in your stash, you can win big. Stock up right and your kids will be running out the door and you may not be far behind!

You must have fun outdoor games, toys and equipment that are targeted for your kids' ages and skill levels. Given a bit of thought, you have the ability to help your kids master skills they'll value always. Athletic mastery builds confidence and self-esteem. Start simply--just getting the correct sized playground balls can make a big difference.

If your kids are younger, focus on motor skill development, both large and small. Buying different types of balls will help you in this endeavor. Soft touch balls are perfect for working on a volleyball serve. Heavier, textured balls are a must for kickball. Keep it fresh by having a variety of options. It works!

Choosing the correct size balls for your kids will help them master important skills like tossing and catching with accuracy. Give serious consideration to: textured rubber balls, inflatable beach balls, tennis balls, and kick balls. The possibilities are endless but these are the basic ones you should consider stocking to initiate an enthusiastic response to going outdoors to play fun games.

If your child is already in grade school, then their games are not just play but social interactions as well. Foursquare is huge in terms of the clan's ranking system so help your kid excel. You might be amazed at how many adults still cop to loving this game!

Bocce ball, badminton and volleyball are great options to make your outdoor yard games more enticing for this age sector.

Maybe it's time to put up a baskball hoop in your driveway? Nothing beats a game of 'pick up' at the end of the day to reconnect with your kids and find out what's really going on in their lives. Kick out the dust bunnies in the brain at the same time. You might find that the value of the dunk is as good, if not better, than you remember it.

Middle schoolers are now getting into classic sports like soccer or softball or baseball. Make sure to engage and support these new interests and you will be happy you did. Don't overlook newcomes to the field--they're really old classic lawn game but regaining interest on an international basis. Check out croquet and badminton and badminton's new, racier cousin, Speedminton.

My kids' favorite party of the year was their introduction to Speedminton at a neighbor's yard. The 'birdies' had LED night lights and the hosts cleverly provided glow in the dark 'war paint' for the players. They got the kids' favorite booming on outdoor speakers and rocked the night. It was so much fun that a lot of the neighborhood just had to check it out and get in the act.

The opportunities to improve your child's playtime outside are endless. Stock up on the right fun outdoor games and you're on your way to success. You will be assured of an enthusiastic response when you try to separate your kid from their ipad.

Fun outdoor games are the antithesis of high technology. There's room for both in our worlds and one should not exclude the other. Take time away from your computer (after you've read this, of course!) and go play your favorite fun outdoor game--right now!

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