Saturday 22 September 2012

Looking For An Electric Bike Conversion Kit

By Casandra Newton

Over the last few years there has been a large increase in the number of people using electric bicycles as a major form of transport. They are cost effective, very environmentally friendly, as well as having very little to do in the way of maintenance. Any cycle can be modified with an electric bike conversion kit, which can be purchased online.

Any normal cycle can be converted into an power assisted bicycle, by fitting a battery powered motor and control unit. As a result, this allows someone to pedal as usual, but their speed can be considerably increased. This does not entail any additional physical effort, and speeds of up to 20 mph can be reached.

The controls that are fitted can vary, but all of them still allow the rider to pedal. With the type known as 'power on demand', the throttle is situated on the handlebars and activates the motor. With 'ped-elect' versions, the power is activated when the rider starts to pedal. There are also sensors that detect the speed and force of the pedalling, and in some case when the brakes are used.

The motors are powered by batteries which are charged up with electricity. Their capacity extends from 400 watts to a maximum of 750 watts. They come in sealed units, and on average can provide the power to travel about ten miles, before needing to be recharged. For a more exact figure, certain factors such as speed, sort of terrain, type of bike and the weight of the rider would need to be taken into account.

Economically, this sort of transport is very cost efficient. Apart from the initial cost of the kit, riding a converted bike to work, or to the shops, is much cheaper than taking the car. With no registration charge, insurance premium or fuel charges, the only consideration is the small price to recharge the battery. Furthermore, its not necessary to have a license to ride a power assisted bike in most countries.

For a lot of people cycling forms part of their daily exercise routine, and is not something which they want to give up. However, all electric bikes still have the capacity to be pedalled, and its also a way to prolong the charge of the battery. Whats more, when deciding to set off on a short journey, searching for somewhere to park will no longer need to be a consideration.

This form of transport produces no harmful carbon dioxide gases, unlike cars. Consequently, its thought to be one of the top forms of transport, to work in harmony with the environment. Currently, it is not dependent on any technology, and it is planned to be able to supply solar powered batteries quite soon.

The use of electric bikes has been very well received globally, and a major increase in their numbers has been seen nearly every year since 1998. This form of transport is affordable, reliable and has no adverse effect on the environment. If you are thinking of purchasing an electric bike conversion kit for your cycle, companies who supply them can be found online.

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