Monday 24 September 2012

When Trying To Find Horses For Sale Colorado Residents Should Contact Local Breeders

By Patrice McCoy

When searching for horses for sale Colorado citizens would be well advised to find a local breeder. He will be keen to maintain a good reputation. If he doesn't have a mount to suit your needs, he may know of others in the district. Horses are advertised in many newspapers and journals. A horse is an expensive item and its purchase needs to be made with great care.

It is wise to take an experienced person with you to view a potential purchase. An outsider will have a more objective opinion. They may pick up points that you have missed. Purebred animals need to fit the standards for that breed, especially if you are thinking of showing the horse. Some need to be a particular color or have particular markings.

However color is generally the last consideration. Age may be a factor. Young animals need time to develop and strengthen before being expected to work hard. Young horses are best not paired with young riders unless there is an experienced adult to help if needed. Horses are very intelligent and some will quickly learnt to take advantage of an inexperienced rider.

For almost every purpose, a horse needs good legs and feet. Although you can tell the approximate age of an animal by its teeth, it is quite complicated. However, the older the horse the more the teeth will be angled forward. The teeth should still meet whatever the age.

The hooves should be round and hard. The front and hind hooves should match each other. Ask the owner to trot the animal away from and towards you. This gives you the chance to see if the action of the horse is straight. The legs should not fly out to the sides much.

If you are looking for a carriage horse, it needs a nice, wide chest so that it has plenty of pulling power. The shoulders of a carriage horse are sometimes quite straight. In a ridden horse, this gives a short, choppy action which isn't very comfortable for the rider. A sloping shoulder is preferred in a ridden horse. Any horse needs plenty of heart and lung room so they should be deep through the girth.

If the horse is broken to saddle or harness, ask to see it ridden or driven. If it seems safe, try it yourself. Ask as many questions as you can think of. A horse should be well-mannered and interested in his surroundings without being nervous. A horse's ears tell much about its mood. If the ears are laid back against the neck, it is a sign of anger or aggression.

Ask if you brush the horse or else rub your hands over its body. It should not flinch or show any anxiety when you do this. Either pick up each hoof or ask the owner to. It should leave its stable mates willingly, tie up without fussing and stand quietly to be saddled and mounted. A well-mannered horse will be easier to sell on if and when you need to find a new home for it. By careful selection from available local horses for sale Colorado riders will find their perfect mount.

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