Monday 1 October 2012

Beginning Of Darts

By Casper Vivianodeni

Darts was believed to have originated from soldiers who first started throwing short arrows under the cask or below trunk of trees. When the wood dries up, the cracks creates sections on the wood. It did not take long before regional standards were formed, and woodworkers made dart boards and started putting them on local bars and clubs .

Part of the most ancient standards made was the one of Lancashire carpenter Brian Gamlin in 1986 which has the number 20 at the top. However, various configurations have emerged with time in different parts of the world.

Perhaps the most popular variation of the game is the game of '01, which is the classic game of Darts, known and played all over the world. It is called "01" because of the fact that the game is played from a particular number of points, always ending in "01".

The goal of the game is just plain and simple. Every player begins, having the same exact score and the first one to reduce his score to zero wins.

All the players have three darts each. These darts are thrown one by one by one player to another and the points a player attains are subtracted from his original score. After each turn, the player has to and mark his score and get the darts he has thrown , then he has to make way for the next player. Those darts that don't reach the board and bounce off are not counted as scores and cannot be thrown again during that turn. When you follow all these then, you already are playing darts.

Sounds real easy right? However, you have to think about that again. Darts also has a challenging part. This hard part of the game is actually the process of reaching the end of the game. You wouldn't win by just hitting the bull's eye in the dart board. To win, you must be the first one to reach zero. But this zero is not the common zero you know. It is the exact zero, and the dart that brings the score down to zero must be a double. Doubles are defined as numbers that can be found in the outside narrow scoring band and the center bull's eye that is equal to 50 points which is the exact double of the outer 25-point bull.

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