Thursday 4 October 2012

Factors To Consider During Snowboard Sizing

By Brian Cruse

When choosing the right snowboard, you will have to narrow down the number to the few that meet your needs before going into snowboard sizing. Choosing the size that is best for you, the decision will have to be based on a few factors. These factors will include your boot size, body type and weight. Other factors you will also have to consider are your level of experience and riding style.

Use the weight factor to further narrow down the list. You will find out that a lot of manufacturers provide buyers with a size chart that is specific to their snowboards. Some even take it further providing you with a size chart for every board they produce. Charts give you a good starting point to narrow down the board size though any weight fits 2 to 3 different sizes. Also if your weight does not appear on the list it does not mean the board will not meet your needs.

Then you should also consider your body type. People commonly make the mistake of focusing on their height when selecting a board. This is a folly because the riders height adds no input when it comes to riding the board instead the weight does that by pressing the board in the snow. The determining factor of the riders height is the body type in reference to the size of the board.

Small sized boards are ideal for short and stocky riders whereas those who are tall and skinny are better suited for longer snowboards. When it comes to boot size a comparison should be made to the snowboards width. The print of the boot is more valid than that of the actual foot since there are boots with smaller prints than others.

Boot print is even more important for those that have a boot size above 11. During this exercise you will want to make sure you do everything possible to avoid heal and toe drag. The board waist width and the performance it can achieve are both relative to the boot size.

The riders experience also determines the board size that best suits the rider. Less experienced riders on everyday resort cruising are better suited to short snowboards to allow for easy maneuvering and turning. Longer boards will be more suited for powder riding which allow good float at low speeds. Experienced riders can handle longer boards in any given situation.

Freestyle riders prefer shorter sizes because the can maneuver and spin easily with them. A snowboard that is used when free riding a whole mountain usually becomes the riders preferred board length. Back country and high speed free riders prefer longer boards. Other additional factors to consider during snowboard sizing include board type and riding conditions.

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