Saturday 20 October 2012

Ten Important Items In Wilderness Survival Training

By Mamie Conrad

Going through wilderness survival training brings about several benefits. It helps one survive even when in the wild. The program typically includes learning proper shelter building, water purification, friction fires and edible wild plants. Part of the training is to teach the participants the right tools that they need for survival. While it is indeed challenging to stay in the wild, the right supplies of tools make it more bearable.

Apparently, knives are very important when you are in the wild. The three inches of non-folding knives may be used in different ways. Among them are building frictions and creating fires, building shelters as well as harvesting the wild edibles. This may also be used when protecting yourself from any wild animals or hunting.

Water is another important thing to look for. The body may not be able to survive without proper hydration. Find a good source of water to avoid dehydration and weakening. In the wild, there are several sources of water but only few of them are safe for consumption. To ensure that you are drinking clean water, you may bring water purification device since manual processing is time-consuming.

Lighting materials. Fire is a crucial part in surviving the wild. This is used in purifying water, cooking, warming the shelter and even protecting yourself from some wild animals. There are several ways to light up a fire. The most primitive uses friction to create fire, but there are newer, easier and more advanced way of doing it. Matches and lighters are very portable that may come in handy.

First aid supplies. Injuries may be expected when out in the wild. There are the possibilities of foggy days that may affect one's orientation. Twigs, thorns and even roots may cause one to trip off and hurt himself in the process as well. Before the injury cause infections, make sure to apply first aid. This can prevent the problem from further worsening.

A small compass is another indispensable device. This will show you the right direction no matter what. Even with impressive navigational skills, the haze and fogs make it virtually impossible to move around and find the right direction. The compass can help you with that concern. It can show you the proper way to get to your destination.

Light is very important, as well. Most especially when the night falls. It would be more difficult to work around at night if everything is pitch dark. With the light produced by the device, you can clearly and safely take the right path. This can also help show you the incoming dangers and hopefully avoid them.

Even the wool blanket can help you survive. Even while you create your own natural shelter, you may still suffer from freezing coldness. Unless you wear a wool blanket, you may shake uncontrollably. To prevent this and ensure a good sleep at night, the wool blanket is very helpful. Remember that you need a good night sleep to survive the wild for another day.

Finally, everyone must know how to properly use the tools through their wilderness survival training. Even with a good item, if you do not know how to use them properly then it would still be impossible to survive. Pay close attention to the types of tools and equipment you will be needing and observe the proper ways of using them.

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