Thursday 11 October 2012

The New Black Hills Mk262

By Leigh Bean

When it comes to shooting, people have different preferences. Bullets are designed differently to perform specific tasks. Black hills ammunition factory has designed this new rifle called the Black Hills Mk262, Mod 1 that has the best features. The device has loads of best and accurate performance. It was initially meant to be used by military forces. It possesses rounds that are excellent in M16 platforms and NATO employed these rounds when there was battle pack.

The 5.56mm by 45mm ammunition used by NATO was modified so that the manufacturers came with the new device. It was 62 grains in weight and made from steel core. It was mainly identified as M855, which was used for the first time during the Vietnam War that had M16 rifle. NATO forces also used it in their battles before the Mk262 arrived with powerful performance.

The former gadget, which is the M855, was poor and inconsistent in the way it performed. It has low rate of shooting to kill and fragmentation is not reliable. Complains came from many countries that the gadget gave poor services and after the arrival of the new device by the black hill company the problem was solved. This NATO projectile has become a preference to many security agencies and uses it in M16 special purpose rifle to provide excellent service in fragmentation and long ranges.

The improved bullets are heavier that the M855 as it weighs 77 grains and it has a light design. Special Forces marksmen report that this effective gadget can be employed in M4A1 carbines. Right now, the armed forces of US and agencies of law enforcement insist long-range accurate shooters to use this advanced bullet. Temperature sensitivity of this bullet was improved in 2005.

In matches that are open tipped, cartridges used normally do not increase in size. The hollow cavity they possess is the one meant for expansion. Conversely, the advanced one makes use of the cavity for accuracy and stability as it moves. It tumbles base of soft tissues and the fragments and the cavity breaks after the action. Severe wounding results from energy transfer after fragmentation.

Velocity and barrel length are the determinants of fragmentation effect and is because of this that the bullet travels very fast and covers a large distance. Inefficiency of this device is observed when it is has low probability to fragment. However, it is able to penetrate deeply in a tissue to a length of more than fifteen inches.

A target in an area situated 0.7 kilometers away from the projectile is easily destroyed. Ballistic test confirms that the device can easily tumble tissues located 0.3 kilometers away. It has become a preference to operators working in special force as it has expanded range power, accuracy and causes severe wounds. Variations in accuracy, terminal performance and wind drift make it possible for people to see scratches with naked eyes.

Black Hills Mk262, Mod 1 is a good projectile and suitable for M16 platforms. When one compares with M855, it is way better, especially in long ranges. Some of the key benefits it offers are high wounding capacity, good performance, stopping and range power and accuracy. Armed forces should go for this black hill product since it is very reliable in maintaining security.

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