Friday 2 November 2012

Passing a Drug Test with Modern Technology

By Jason Jones

Passing a drug test may well present itself as a challenge for those who have taken illegal drugs close to the time of a drug test without the right preparation and info required for passing a drug test in modern times. The examinations are usually performed with virtually no time to organize anything before you have to take the test, in an attempt to ensure against test avoidance. As it is now, passing a drug test is still possible with company made products that are easily acquired by the regular American. There are also products available from certain companies that will enable you to make the drug screening give a false reading, in which the lab testers will declare the test as invalid and needing to be taken again, giving you time to clear your body and pass the test with the correct products and instructions.

Before I move on, let me first introduce myself. I am a citizen of America living in New York, married to a lovely Spanish woman and father of 2 lively children. I am at present working for a mineral sourcing company and have been for the previous 15 years. A couple years back my company decided they were going to start randomly drug screening their staff for no real reason, other than the fact that large amounts of other energy or mining companies where doing this as well. This led me to become intrigued about this breach of privacy and look further onto the legitimacy of it all and create a blog about the above subject, see the link below.

If illicit drugs have been ingested, and passing a drug test is required, trying to drink large quantities of water to clean out your urine in the belief that the screening will not be accurate enough to pick up on the presence of watered down drug particles, you might as well give yourself in. Simply search in Google and read what modern labs have to say about trying to pass a drug test by ingesting large amounts of water these days. Drug tests today are more developed than ever before and the old drink a gallon of water technique no longer applies. Today to pass a drug test you need trailed and proven lab manufactured products with a history of passing drug tests.

If asked to go under go a hair based test, passing a drug test a few days after the time of consuming illegal drugs is almost not possible unless you shave all of the hair on your body or use a product that will temporarily cleanse your hair of the entire amount of drug granules for a set amount of time which are available to purchase over the internet. Shaving a persons head is not a good idea for avoiding a hair based drug exam, as all of your body hair will show your drug history. A preferable way is to let the sampler get a selection of your head hair that has been specially cleaned with a product that has a proven history of working and will not suggest any particles of drugs and use it close to the time of taking the drug or drug exam.

Over the years manufacturing companies have seen the extra bonus of creating products for those who need to pass a drug test, weather it be a urine test, a hair follicle test or a saliva test. The producing and purchasing of these items and ingredients is not illegal, and many people, for example the American Civil Liberties Union, are ensuring they remain legal and also are attempting to abolish the Government consent of unannounced drug examinations in places where people work as many people see it as a breach of their rights under the 4th amendment, as has been ruled before in a court of law.

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