Wednesday, 21 August 2013

How To Get Good At Betfair Trading - Fast

By Richard Fletcher

Want to become a professional Betfair trader? Here's how. I believe there are 2 concepts you need to implement.

Number 1 is quite simply experience. The more knowledgeable you are in any field, the more of an expert you will be. It doesn't matter which field you choose to earn your trade in, the more experienced you are, the better you will be at it. Too many people are trying to get good at Betfair Trading by trying one system after another, without ever committing to, and sticking with one thing, and making it their business to become an absolute master in that area.

Don't think of this in terms of elapsed time, but instead in terms of how many horse races you have witnessed. How quickly can you get to a thousand races? Once you get to this point, then reassess your level of expertise. You should find that you view things in a completely differently way when you get to this point.

You can do this in just over a month if you are dedicated and you work full time. Compare this to a guy who takes in just 10 races a week. He might think he is getting good experience but it will take him a full 2 years to get that 1000 races. Same level of experience as the first guy, but much longer to get there.

Secondly, what can you learn from every race? It's no good just plugging away doing the same thing time after time. You have to be constantly refining a strategy. Whether you win, lose or draw you must ask yourself what the learning experience is. Sometimes the lesson is simply not to get involved next time.

Don't get tempted to get all frustrated and blame the market for your own poor performance. Take all the responsibility for your own results. Get tough on yourself, and learn the harsh lessons quickly. This is sometimes tough, but entirely necessary.

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