Sunday, 2 November 2014

The Features That You Need To Know About Counter Balanced Putter

By Etta Bowen

Golf is a famous sport especially for the elite in the society. You can usually see the businessmen playing it. Most of the time, this sport can be very, very costly. More than just taking a swing, you also need to be precise. This is not as simple as it looks in the movies.

If you notice, one player would need to bring several clubs. And this is because for every situation, you would need a different club so that you can take a shot. With this, you can safely conclude that there are different types of clubs that are also made with different type of materials. There are those that are made with wood, iron and putters. One of the most famous type is the newest innovation which is the counter balanced putter.

Each person has his own stroke. And there is a club out there that would be perfect for it as well. This is the reason why you need to purchase the proper one from the very beginning. It will ensure that you would have more confident and accurate shots.

The putter kinds are usually designed for the shots that are in shorter distances. It is also not suited for areas that are full of sand. It has a different shape and make compare to the other clubs. Which is why it would be better suited for shorter distance holes.

There are a lot of varieties in the market, so this means that you also have a lot of choices. It can be crucial. So if it is your first time, you might want to take a friend who has more knowledge about this than you do. The main basis is that, it should be something that would compliment your skills.

One of the hottest putter in the market today is the counter balanced one. It is slightly different from the standard one which was first introduced for players. According to experts, it offers a more stabilized and reliable shot because of the structure and the length. But others beg to differ.

You will notice it easily because it has a heavier weight. Aside from that, the grip is also lengthier. This is made this way so that your shots will be precised. The weight of the handle or the grip and the head of the club is the same that is why it is called as the counter balanced kind.

In choosing a putter that would fit you, you have to consider several things. Most importantly, you have to go for something that would jive with the way you swing. This should narrow down your choices. This should be the first thing that you have to establish when you are going to choose the right one for you.

But just because it feels right in your hands does not mean that it is the perfect one. You need to also try it out with the actual ball. This way you can see if it matches your stroke. Be certain that what you are paying for is worth it of your money.

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