Tuesday, 20 September 2011

Dyslexia Testing Wichita May Uncover The Cause Of Learning Problems

By Mia Berger

When a child or adult finds it difficult to read, write or spell, dyslexia testing Wichita may be able to diagnose the cause. Learning disabilities may be caused by trauma to the brain. In most cases where an individual experiences difficulty in learning to read, the problem is neurological. Sometimes the cause may be put down to genetic or hormonal factors.

There are many dyslexia tests for adults. Some evaluate the person's spelling ability. Dyslexic individuals often confuse the spelling of words like 'friend', 'enough', 'island' and 'said'. In many cases they adopt phonetic thinking to spell words. 'Journey' may become 'jerney', 'does' becomes 'dus', 'friend' will be 'frend' and 'enough' will be 'enuf'.

Their ability to identify directions may be tested as well. Many adults have a problem differentiating between right and left. Following instructions does not come naturally to dyslexics. The more instructions such a person has to follow to complete a task, the more difficult it will be.

Another form of test requires the individual to repeat a sequence of words in the same order that he or she hears them. Dyslexic individuals find it difficult to remember the exact order of the words. The same applies to letters and numbers.

The test may also include simple mathematical questions. Dyslexic people will sometimes have trouble solving them. Besides affecting a person's language proficiency, this condition may also make it challenging to grasp the basic operations of maths. Manipulating numbers and mathematical facts can be troublesome area for many. This can in turn have a negative effect on their daily lives.

Dyslexia testing Wichita can very often identify the causes of learning disabilities. If someone is dyslectic, it does not mean intelligence is affected. Many very successful and intelligent people had this problem. Even Albert Einstein suffered from it. Read more about: dyslexia testing wichita

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