Wednesday, 21 September 2011

How Glock Customization Can Make A Pistol Unique And Powerful

By Shannon Reeves

A Glock pistol with chrome flames, an extended magazine and a laser sight would be a cool firearm for a gun lover. This all can be achieved through glock customization. A common goal for most is to enhance their gun so that it performs better and packs a more powerful punch. Looking online at the options available will give a person an idea of exactly what can and can't be done to their handgun.

The first priority for most is accuracy. On a pistol, one probably doesn't want a bulky scope. The best option for this is a laser sight. These unobtrusive instruments mount below the barrel and place a visible red dot where the bullet will strike. These add-ons are not only effective but pretty stylish as well, giving the firearm an entirely different look.

Trigger kits provide the ability to rapidly discharge rounds faster than stock trigger mechanisms. Known as a 'hair-trigger', these enhancements are available for a reasonable price. Unless one is skilled with working on guns, they would have to send the pistol off to the supplier for installation.

Another addition highly sought after are extended magazines and rapid magazine release switches. Extended magazines allow the pistol to hold more rounds. A rapid release switch makes disengaging and reengaging the clip fast and smooth. Both are easy to install and provide a clear tactical advantage, should the need arise.

Making aesthetic changes almost always require sending the gun to the supplier. Once there, they can be engraved, chrome-plated or fully overhauled to look like a different pistol. The sky is the limit when it comes to this kind of customization.

Glock customization can help one achieve whatever it is they are looking for. Whether it is to enhance their pistol and make it a more accurate and powerful firearm, or to represent their personal style with chrome plating, anything can be achieved through the right manufacturer. A simple online search will get one started. Read more about: glock customization

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