Sunday 30 September 2012

Some Horse Training Tips

By Heather Toms

A horse's behavior is often good when it's with its owner but changes to assertive and threatening when approached by anybody else. They tend to wish to bite and kick around strangers. Typically this is often accredited to a pony being tense and needing some training. There are one or two things that can be done which should solve this behaviour. Firstly , get your mates Involved by having them at hand while you use some RELAXATION TECHNIQUES to change your horse's reaction to others.

Employ a PRESSURE RELEASE TECHNIQUE on the lead rope to get your horse's head down. Put a finger in the corner of the horse's mouth where there are no teeth and briefly stroke their tongue. This causes the horse to immediately 'WORK THEIR MOUTH'. Usually when they do this on their own, they're relaxing or submitting. When you STROKE THEIR TONGUE by putting a finger in the corner of a horse's mouth, the horse will start to work their mouth as if they'd done it all by themselves. This can RELAX THEM FULLY.

Another thing you can do is to BREATH INTO YOUR HORSE'S NOSE with your nose. It's what horses do to one another when greeting. Chew a mint gum before breathing into their nose, They love the mint scent. This technique is a sign of friendship and can truly bond horses to us.

If your horse has a kicking problem when in a trailer, without going anywhere, try feeding all their meals to them in the trailer. They will begin to associate the trailer with being a good place to be. You can also try keeping hay in the trailer when your horse is in transit, chewing causes relaxation. If the pony kicks in the trailer while you're driving, which can sometimes be dangerous, a proposal is to safley brake suddenly.

This will always get your horse's attention as it'll now have to work on using its feet to keep its balance instead of kicking the trailer.

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