Sunday 4 November 2012

Professional Martial Arts Association Sets The High Standard

By Marcy Becker

The Professional Martial Arts Association is the leading organization behind Wu Ying Tao, and it is setting a new high standard for all those who practice this technique. Martial Arts are a popular sport for many individuals all over the world, with centuries of historic precedence. Not only is it an incredible form of exercise, it provides a unique foundation for self discipline and mastery.

There are a number of different varieties of Martial Art, from Karate to Kung Fu. Each discipline has a unique style of forms, poses and techniques. Wu Ying Tao is a branch that incorporates the philosophy of being through the manifestation of movement. The PMAA is the organization that is responsible for training, performance standards and teaching for this form of Art.

The program founder, Sijo Bruce C. Terrill, is the expert mastermind that was the originator of the programs that have been developed within the PMAA. This tradition was brought to the United States of America by him as he worked on developing the standards that the organization abides by, allowing it to ensure that its participants only receive the very best quality. Each of the instructors within the organization is certified, which adds a consistent element of uniformity for both new and old students.

Martial art is an incredible way to keep your body toned and fit. In order to ensure that all forms are being properly done, the instructors who are certified to teach participants focus on the proper techniques in order to deliver the best practice for mastery. The PMAA focuses not only on the surprising benefits to the body, but the incredible connection the physical form has with mental and spiritual benefits.

Another factor that plays a role in this specific type of Martial Arts is that it connects with participants mentally, physically and spiritually. The American form of Wu Ying Mun has assisted thousands of professionals of this style to further develop their own discipline, mindfulness and self-confidence with each completed step. The popularity of this practice has increased exponentially because of its amazing blend of exercise and philosophy.

Working with both novices and experts alike, the PMAA helps participants work towards reaching their individual goals. Beginner classes for people of all ages are designed to create events and activities that showcase everything being learned. These energetic classes are safe, fun and beneficial for all participants.

This form of Marital Arts is designed to teach students to be aware of surroundings. It is not taught for fighting purposes, although it will prepare you with defense tactics. Until you reach a mastery level, most instruction is non-contact to ensure the safety of all participants. This will help you maintain the focus on each conscious movement, rather than on contact for entertainment or harm-inflicting purposes.

If you are interested in learning one of the most beneficial exercises of the body and mind, the Professional Martial Arts Association has a number of programs that will suit your level of expertise. In order to master the incredible techniques offered, studying with the professionals that are certified under this organization is your best bet. Their high standards for safety and performance have helped this sport to become more mainstream in today American society.

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